[Babies love ugly toys]
I had so many ideas of what I thought it would be like preparing to be a mom and bringing a sweet little bundle home.
I had it in my head that I was going to stick with my *minimalistic* style, and 1. not buy ALL THE TOYS and 2. try to stay away from the bright/annoying/ugly baby toys.
I'm a product of a generation where minimalism really is trendy. I didn't want to be the family where people came over and our living room is overrun by baby toys
I wanted to get calm colored toys (wooden teethers, wood gym & toys, etc.) Being a photographer, I wanted to have toys that would be aesthetically pleasing for photos.
And yes, I am embarrassed to admit all of this. If any baby boomers are reading this I am especially embarrassed because you are probably literally chuckling at my naive thoughts on it all.
Once Ellis really started playing with toys it didn't take long to realize he ONLY reached for things that were bright and especially loved the toys that some part of them made that little crinkly noise.
Then someone gave us one of those saucers (thank you thank you thank you) and I was sure I didn't want one. We have a REALLY small house and not a ton of space to just store this size of a toy... but I held onto it and while we were in Illinois for my cousins wedding I could see my baby was becoming a little bouncer and I was actually so excited to get home and see what he would do in the saucer.
You guys. It was amazing. I can't express how I felt seeing his joy bouncing around in there for the first time. His smiles...his curiosity playing and chewing on the different toys. My new mama heart runneth over.
These type of toys have helped with his development in tremendous ways. I've seen that first hand. They have also helped with my sanity on days where I needed him to play instead of being held. (but still thank you Solly Baby Wrap because my life wouldn't have been the same without baby wearing. Another post for another day.)
The real kicker was when I saw a woman in one of the mommy Facebook group's I'm in post a photo of a toy that her little one LOVED and asked if anyone knew of one that wasn't so ugly because she didn't want her little one to have something so bright and unattractive...
It was a kick to my gut because I knew I was guilty of the same thoughts.
So here is what I've decided:
1. I will still never be the mom who buys ALL THE TOYS
2. I will embrace the *ugly* and watch my child develop and grow and play and reach and crawl and do so with joy and gratitude.
3. I will let him be little. If his favorite toy is bright and makes noise and isn't aesthetically pleasing I am not going to even bat an eye about it. He is only this small once and I refuse to waste that worrying about what's going to be pretty on Instagram.
Cheers to continuing to learn and grow on this incredible adventure of motherhood.