Aly Sprecher


Baby Sprecher #2 FAQs


We are BEYOND words excited to be adding a new babe to our sweet little family!

Thank you for taking the time to come here and celebrate with us!

Here are ALL the answers to all the questions I’ve gotten this time around:

When is the baby due?

December 25th is the EDD! I was shocked to see that date written down from our doctor. :)

How far along are you?

19 weeks! Almost half way!

How have you been feeling?

I have been sick and real tired this entire time and I’m still throwing up, so it’s been pretty rough, but I’m just grateful & seem to be slooooooowly getting past it!

Why did you wait so long to announce?

Honestly it wasn’t a super meditated decision, like I said above, I’ve just been very sick and extremely exhausted WHILE toddler wrangling, WHILE working my job 25 hours a week, WHILE running my business and shooting 6 weddings and 2 engagement sessions in 6 weeks & during the sickest part of this pregnancy; so I’ve really just been trying hard to “maintain” but I did start showing earlier this time, so coworkers/friends/family all knew.

Do you know the gender?

Yes, we are having a GIRL this time!

Have you chosen a name?

YES! We know her name will be Haven Elaine. Elaine is my middle name, and my GREAT grandmother, AND my aunts middle name, too! I’ll have to eventually write a second post about why we chose Haven. :)

What does Ellis think?

He doesn’t really understand, but man he’ll be the best big brother!

How old will Ellis be?

Ellis will be ALMOST 3 by the time this babe comes around!

Were you trying for this baby?

(yes, I’ve been asked this, ha!) YES, we prayed and tried for this baby and are extremely excited and blessed beyond measure for this tiny life.

Are you still shooting weddings?

YES, I have a handful more weddings still this fall, but am wrapping things up in October so that I don’t even cut it remotely close & stress out myself and/or any of my brides and grooms. ;)

I’ll be jumping back into weddings the end of February & am booking strong for 2020!

I would also be remised if I didn’t say:

It can be hard to feel the joy to celebrate, when I know someone may see this, my posts, photos, etc. who is currently trying to get pregnant, or has lost a babe, lost hope, so much more.

I have walked beside friends who have dealt with devastating news, and it weight heavy on my heart as I rejoice in something good happening on our family.

We know this is an insane blessing that we have done nothing to deserve. We recognize and mourn and cry with our friends who are struggling with any part of their story that is difficult to bear.

We see you, your pain and we acknowledge it and we care about it.

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