Aly Sprecher


[Ode To Summer]

Hi friends!!!

I just needed to carve out some space to say farewell to summer and all it’s beauty.

We had an incredible and FULL summer, but some of the highlights were:

— WEDDINGS. We had so many beautiful weddings to be a part of!

— Camping, hiking, swimming, and SO much outdoor time! We spent several weekends exploring and camping at state parks

— TRAVELING. wow. we went to Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Illinois, Massachusetts, ALL over Virginia, West Virginia, anddd probably more I’m missing!

— Lots and lots of time with the best family in the world

— A ton of summer ice cream trips to the parlor

— Ellis hit 1.5yo and he has reached SOOO many milestones:

• SO much talking + so many new words
• He’s incredibly observant and basically a genius ;)
• Climbing up on errrrrything (like the time I caught him on the kitchen table elbow deep in a box of cheese-its…and speaking of elbow that’s one of his new words!)
• FIRST plane ride and he was beyond a dream
• Working through all those toddler emotions

Man, we love summer & it’s always hard to say good-bye, but we’re looking forward to continuing to all of our adventures this fall and winter!

Thanks for reading this quick little love note to summertime!

Here’s a few favs our fav time of the year:

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