Aly Sprecher


Turning 29


Jus wanted to pop on here and talk about my 29th (eek!) birthday during this quarantine at home!

We’ve essentially been quarantined at home since bringing Haven home in January, so it does feel normal at this point— however, I honestly never dreamed we’d be so many months into 2020 and still be stuck at home! phew.

I had an incredible birthday with my people— we had the sweetest outdoor time with the best weather, had a mini- family photoshoot (since we never got to have a photog come take photos of US once H was home, and now can’t because of social distancing!) I had been feeling bummed about that, so Clay stepped right in and said he’d snap some photos. SO grateful.

We ended the day with thai take out & watching Onward (+ our friends watched Onward with us and we literally clicked play at the same time, all ate our takeout and faced timed through it all) Quarantine = creativity and I am HER FOR IT.

Anyways… here are my favorite photos!

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