[The Adventures of Ellis || Labor Day Fun]
This Labor Day was so much fun for our little fam!
Recently, we've been biking and taking Ellis along in the Burley that my parents bought when I was a toddler! This thing has been through both me and my brother using it, to my sister and her three kids, and now me and my little family!
So all I can say is, if you're looking to invest in one of these bad boys, I can't recommend it enough because my parents' investment was clearly beyond worth it.
Plussss, Ellis has the time of his LIFE. It's insanely cute. I will be riding beside them and just hear him baby babbling happily away as he cruises behind his daddy in the burley. It's the best.
This past Labor Day weekend we were actually traveling to and from Kentucky because I was shooting a wedding there- so we didn't do any normal Labor Day weekend festivities.
HOWEVER, Clay had off on Labor Day so we absolutely made the most of it!
We started the day with banana chocolate chip pancakes (Clay is the pancake king) and our day only got sweeter from there!
Roanoke has an incredible greenway system. There are 26.2 miles TOTAL- and although they don't all connect yet, they will soon so they can have marathons on the greenway.
Anyways, there are so many places to start and finish, and this past year we have been finding our favorite ones! We have a favorite for running/walking and now a favorite for biking. It's seriously amazing.
We biked 11 miles and then went downtown to one of our favorite coffee shops (Sweet Donkey) and grabbed take out to eat at home as a fun treat.
It was such a great day and so needed in the midst of a busy wedding season (AKA busy Saturday/weekends in general)
A little update on Life With Ellis:
-He's moving and grooving. Almost officially crawling (somehow still getting anywhere he wants!)
- Saying/mimicking "mama" *cue melting*
- Trying all sorts of different foods, but still primarily breastfed
-Not sleeping through the night yet, but mostly down to just 1 wake per night so we'll take that!
- Still such an outdoors baby. He's been a champ on all our hikes, runs, walks, biking- he just really loves it all and takes it all in.
- He's still as observant as ever. He loves to see new people and is intrigued by what they are doing. The more activity the better
- He LOVES everything that isn't a toy (typing this as he tries to eat my laptop)
- He travels like a CHAMP and that has been so sweet on my mommy heart since we have done a TON of traveling for weddings this summer.
-He laughs and smiles like no other, but once he is sleepy he's got the most serious face and it's hilarious.
- He's got TWO little teeth. so. freaking. sharp. haha!
- He's constantly impressing us with new skills and we really can't even turn around for 1 second without him somehow grabbing/getting into something he shouldn't. Vigilant parenthood is key in this fam.
- Still loves bath time. Rolls like a rolly polly when trying to change his diaper. Squeals adorably. Has too puffy of feat to fit into any shoes. Has chosen superman over batman.
I think that's about all I've got for now!
Here's a glimpse into our Labor Day adventures!